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More Tips for an AC Tune Up

There is nothing worse than enduring the scorching summer heat in Phoenix – without any air conditioning! Don’t let costly A/C breakdowns drain your bank this summer. Prevent problems from occurring by following these simple tips. Keep your home cool and comfortable this summer by making sure your unit is performing efficiently.

3 Tips to Tune-Up Your A/C

Set your thermostat to “auto”

Is your A/C unit running non-stop, even when your home has cooled to your desired temperature? Prevent this by setting your thermostat to “auto” which will help reduce the energy your unit uses to perform efficiently. The auto setting will turn your A/C off when it reaches the desired temperature programmed on your thermostat, while still keeping you home cool and comfortable. In addition to this, the auto setting will turn your A/C off at the appropriate times to allow for the any excess moisture in the air to evaporate, keeping it from cycling through your home.

Leave your A/C unit on, even when you’re away from home

Whether you are going on vacation or just leaving for work, you should leave your A/C unit on. If you turn it off when you leave, your unit will have to work even harder when you turn it back on as it strives to cool the whole house again. Plus, pets and appliances can be protected from overheating by leaving your A/C running while you are gone. Either program your A/C’s setting to auto, or set the thermostat 5-10 degrees higher than you normally do. When you return home, your unit will not have to work as hard to cool the house back down, saving you energy and money.

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Use a programmable thermostat

Programmable thermostats can reduce the amount of energy you use by up to 30%. They allow you to raise the temperature settings in rooms while you are gone or sleeping, ultimately saving you money. In addition to this, some programmable thermostats can be accessed from smartphones apps and altered to individual preference. These advance thermostats excel in maximizing efficiency, saving money, and personalizing comfort.

Schedule a tune-up with ACE

Our experienced and certified technicians can provide you with a comprehensive 20 plus-point tune-up. We will ensure your A/C’s performance for upcoming seasons, offering both air conditioning and heating tune-ups. To learn more about how ACE can help you, check out our other pages or contact us today!

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