Summers in Phoenix can be brutal, with daily temperatures skyrocketing over 120 degrees. This blistering heat causes most homeowners to rely heavily on their air conditioning system. During the summer, you want to make sure your AC is ready to handle the heat. The following shows how to keep your house cool in Arizona and provides a list of quick tips about air conditioning efficiency & maintenance that can help you ensure that your home stays cool and comfortable this summer.
10 Phoenix Summer A/C Tips for Residents
Follow these tips during the height of the central Arizona summer heat and you’ll be just fine!
- Turn on your ceiling fan
Make sure your ceiling fan is set to blow air downwards. This is going to help rooms feel cooler, without having to turn down the thermostat on your AC.
See also: How to choose the right ceiling fan
- Change the filter
During seasons of high use, such as summer, you want to make sure you’re changing your air conditioning system’s filter at least every 3 months. Some homeowners will change their filter every month to ensure optimal performance and keep energy costs down. A dirty filter can strain your AC, leading to unexpected breakdowns and costly repairs.
See also: Which air filter is right for my AC system?
- Close blinds and curtains to block out any incoming sunlight
This simple tip is quick and easy to do and can help you feel cooler in your home without adjusting your AC.
See also: 5 Phoenix summer heat hacks to staying cool
- Try “positive nighttime cooling”
Although the daytime heat seems unbearable in the Phoenix desert, you can take advantage of the cool air at night. All you have to do is open any windows or doors before you go to bed to help the cool air coming to your home. Then, early in the morning, you can trap all the cool air in your home by closing the windows and doors, as well as shutting the blinds and curtains.
See also: How to improve indoor air quality
- Invest in insulation
Insulation isn’t just for the winter time. It can help keep warm air from seeping into your home, as well as keeping cool air in. This will help your home stay at cool temperatures throughout the summer.
See also: Does my attic have proper insulation?
- Invest in a programmable thermostat
Programmable thermostats are efficient and effective ways to manage the temperature in your home; they’re also a common cause of AC issues. On average, programmable thermostats save homeowners almost $200 and energy costs every year.
See also: What should I set my thermostat to when on vacation?
- Avoid opening doors and windows when unnecessary
Keep in mind that every time you go in and out of the house or open any windows, it lets hot air into your home.
See also: Tips for staying comfortable in your home
- Avoid using indoor heat sources
Many electric appliances and even some of the incandescent lights in your home can emit heat. We suggest using fluorescent lights, would you use less energy and produce less heat than regular lights. You also want to avoid using appliances such as the oven and stove when unnecessary.
See also: How to save energy while running your air conditioner
- Make sure the ducts in your home are properly sealed and insulated
If there are leaks in your ductwork, cool air can slowly seep out of your home and raised your energy costs. You can hire a local HVAC contractor to examine air ductwork and test the seals to make sure they properly work so that cool air from your air conditioning system can be distributed throughout the house.
See also: Do my air ducts need to be cleaned or replaced?
- Invest in a high-efficiency AC system
Modern AC systems are designed to be efficient and effective, using less energy than traditional systems. Although it may cost more to purchase one of these systems, the amount of money you will save in energy costs over the years can help pay for the system itself.
See also: What does a SEER rating mean?
Want More A/C Tips on How to Keep Your House Cool in Arizona This Summer? Call ACE Today!
ACE Home Services is here for all of your heating and cooling needs. Whether you have questions about your HVAC system, or want to schedule a maintenance check before summer, your friends at ACE can get the job done! Call us today at [hls_phone_number] or click here to schedule a service call; and remember: you can always trust your place with ACE!