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Is Your Home Ready for Winter Weather?

Many states in our country are susceptible to enduring harsh, severe weather during the wintertime. Is your home prepared for the brutal winter weather? Cold weather can threaten the health and safety of your home, specifically your plumbing system. Frozen pipes can cause pressure issues, flooding, and other types of costly damages. Avoid facing unexpected problems and major repairs by making sure your home is prepared for winter.

Plan Ahead with Insulation

If you know that sub-zero temperatures are going to occur this winter, then make sure your pipes are prepared for these harsh conditions. Insulating your pipes can help prevent freezing and leaks. This is extremely important for any pipes that extend outside of your home and are exposed to the cold. Many home hardware stores sell heated plumbing tap, foam sheaths, and insulation designed for pipes and winter weather. When dealing with pipes in your basement or attic, you can get away with insulating your pipes with newspaper. Power outages are common during harsh winters, in which the cold temperatures can threaten your home and plumbing. Another important area to insulate is your electric furnace, just in case you lose power in your home.

 ACE Home Services Prevent Frozen Pipes

Other Ways You Can Prepare for the Cold

Your plumbing isn’t the only thing you should worry about when preparing for severe winter weather. Address the following to make sure you a fully prepared:

  • Pay attention to weather forecasts, road conditions, and any emergency instructions during a storm
  • Identify any emergency shelters and plan safe routes so you are prepared for an emergency
  • Make sure you family has a communication plan prepared and can keep in touch if anything happens
  • Make sure your phone and other electronic devices are fully charged, and consider investing in a power bank in case you lose power to your home
See also  The Scoop on Tankless Water Heaters

Prepare an Emergency Kit

ACE Home Services Emergency

In the emergency that a storm hits, make sure your kit has the following essentials:

  • Three days worth of non-perishable food
  • Three days worth of fresh water
  • Flashlights and/or candles
  • Battery powered radio
  • Spare batteries
  • Power bank and chargers for phones/computers
  • Sidewalk salt and a snow shovel
  • Winter clothes (hats, gloves, scarves and coats)
  • Blankets
  • First aid kit
  • Prescription medications
  • Cash
  • Supplies for babies, if necessary
  • Supplies for pets, if necessary

Need Help Preparing for Winter?

If you have questions for a professional, then ACE Home Services is here for you! We offer the best plumbing and heating services in Phoenix and will work with you to help keep your home’s systems functioning properly throughout winter!

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