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Set Your Thermostat for Savings During Vacation

How To Save Money While You Are On Vacation

Getting ready to leave on that well-earned vacation? ACE Home Services is here to tell you how you can save a little extra cash while you are away from home! Just by adjusting your thermostat, you can reduce your energy costs and keep your home comfortable for when you return. Many people believe that turning of the A/C when they leave will save the most money. This is a common misconception and can actually end up costing you more as your A/C turns back on and tries to re-cool the entire house. (See our other articles about turning your A/C off when you’re away to learn more about this process)

Protect Your Phoenix Home and Everything In It

The most important thing to consider when setting your thermostat before you leave on vacation is your pets. If you have pets, you want to make sure they are left in a comfortable and safe environment. Most pets, such as dogs and cats, can live in relatively warm environments. Unfortunately, weather in Arizona is normally too warm for our furry friends. As temperature crawl above the 90’s, your home can become an oven if there is no air conditioning running. Don’t let your home reach triple digit temperatures and threaten the safety of your pets! Simply increase the thermostat 4-5 degrees from its normal setting before you leave. This will ensure a safe environment and help decrease your energy costs.
ACE Home Services - Thermostat

If you are not a pet owner, but have plants in the house, then you can increase your thermostat as high as 85°F. This will help preserve your plants and save you the cost of having to cool your house down when you return.

See also  3 Methods to Keep your Air Conditioner Clean

Is It Bad To Turn Your A/C Off In Summer?

Completely turning off your A/C before you leave can damage your home in various ways. Artwork, documents, wine bottles, and electronics can all be damaged by the heat. Even if you do set the thermostat to 85 degrees, you may want to move sensitive items to cooler areas of your home.
ACE Home Services AC Thermostat Vacation

One advantage of setting your thermostat a few degrees higher when you leave is that you will come home to a cool and comfortable home! If you set your thermostat higher and want to avoid coming home to a warm house, consider a programmable thermostat or smart thermostat, giving you the ability to change the thermostat’s temperature settings before you get home.

Stay Prepared With ACE Home Services

Whether you are looking to upgrade your thermostat, or find out more information, call ACE Home Services today! We have live representatives standing by, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can trust you place, with ACE!

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