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How Do I Fix a Clogged Toilet?

If you have never had the unfortunate experience of facing a clogged toilet, then consider yourself lucky. Clogged toilets are common household problems that seem to occur at the worst of times, especially when the toilet begins to overflow and water rushes everywhere. If your toilet is clogged, you want to address the issue as

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How Do I Unclog a Slow Drain?

Over time, the drains in your house can become susceptible to clogs, slowing them down, causing water to back up into your sinks, and giving off a foul odor. Whether it’s in your kitchen, bathroom, or shower, drains can become clogged with dirt, soap, hair, and gunk just from daily use. If you notice that

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How Do I Unclog My Toilet?

Most of us have experienced the unfortunate event of a clogged shower, sink, and/or toilet. Clogged toilets are common household issues that can occur at any given moment, leaving you with messy disaster. Fortunately, they are easy to fix and can be tackled by any homeowner. Continue reading to learn how to unclog your toilet

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