Detecting a Leak in Your Pipes
Detecting a pipe leak in your home can be very difficult. There are pipes running in your walls, floors, and even under your lawn. Leaks can occur anywhere, at anytime, making them hard to find. Even potential leaks are dangerous. Water damage can cause costly, destructive results and conflict with the other functions in your […]
What’s That Smell Coming From My Drain?
If you notice that there is a strange or discomforting smell coming from your drain, you may have an issue with your plumbing. Indoor plumbing is an amazing feature that enables us to rid our homes of waste almost effortlessly. Unfortunately, drains are not always a one-way street. When an issue occurs with your indoor […]
Avoid Frozen Pipes By Planning Ahead
Although winter temperatures in Arizona are often mild and rarely feel dangerous, the pipes in your home are still susceptible to damage. Many homeowners direct their attention to their furnace during winter weather, but there are other areas that you should be mindful of when it comes to maintaining your home. When the temperature falls […]
How to Extend the Life of Your Water Heater
Regular water heater maintenance is the key to extending the life of your unit. Simply checking your unit every 6 months can make a huge difference in the long run, helping prevent costly breakdowns and extending its lifespan. If you have a more modern and high-tech system, such as a solar unit or tankless water […]
The Scoop on Tankless Water Heaters
Tankless water heaters are a viable alternative to traditional hot water heaters. These tankless units are popular in other countries, but why? Everything You Need To Know About Tankless Water Heaters Traditional water heaters feature a large tank that stores and heats the water until you are ready to use it. These types of units […]
When to Fix Your Leaky Water Heater
Even with appropriate water heater maintenance, your water heater has a limited lifespan. First we need to be clear: Unless you are one of our ACE Home Services expert technicians, we do not recommend that you try to fix a leaky water heater yourself. No amount of duct tape and chewing gum will work, so […]