Insulation is responsible for keeping heat in, or out, throughout the seasons. Without insulation, your energy costs would go through the roof! During summers in Arizona, insulation is crucial for keeping the heat out and the cool in, especially in your attic. Many homes are under-insulated, resulting in high electric bills and lost airflow. Not sure if your home’s attic has proper installation? ACE’s experienced and certified technicians are available around the clock and can come to your home to help you determine your attic’s level of insulation. Keep reading to learn more ways on how to assess your home’s insulation needs.
Rule of Thumb: Leveled Insulation
When looking at the floor of your attic, is the insulation level with the joists? Your insulation should be evenly distributed across the floor and level (or just below) the joists. If the joists are covered, then you definitely have enough and don’t need to add more.
Low Insulation? Here’s How Much You Should Add
When referring to insulation, technicians will assign your attic an “R-value”, which measures the insulation’s ability to protect heat from passing through it. A higher R-value means your insulation works better at resisting heat from entering your home. There is a fine line though between having a high R-value and adding too much insulation to your home. Typically, homes require an R-value of R-38, which is about 10-14 inches of insulation.
Where to Get Attic Insulation in Phoenix
At ACE, we understand that every home is different, which is why we will send a technician to evaluate your attic and help you reach the perfect R-value for your home. Click here to contact ACE or call us at [hls_phone_number]