3 Common Signs That You Have A/C Electrical Problems

Modern air conditioning systems are composed of complex electrical and mechanical devices that are designed for efficiency and convenience. A/C electrical problems are common, especially during seasons of high use or for systems that are not properly maintained. Many homeowners sometimes experience electrical problems with their air conditioner and are often frustrated when they try and address the problem without success. Due to the advanced electrical design of most HVAC units, it’s important that you contact a professional technician when attempting to resolve an issue. This is an HVAC problem that not only will this keep you safe, but it can help you save money in the long run.

3 Ways to Know if Electrical Problems with Your Air Conditioner Exist


ac units outside waiting for air conditioning repair services


The following information in this article details common electrical issues that most air conditioners experience. If your air conditioner isn’t blowing cold air, keep an eye out for any of these electrical issues so you know when to call in for backup; helping you get your air conditioner back on track and keeping your home cool and comfortable.

See also: What to do if your air conditioner stops working

    1. Breaker Issues

Air conditioners tend to use a large amount of energy, requiring them to have their own breaker. Some electrical issues can stem from the circuit breaker itself, whether the breaker is undersized or loose. If the breaker is loose, it can easily be tightened. In contrast, if the breaker is undersized or faulty, you will need to replace the breaker in your home’s electrical box.

    1. Wiring Issues

One common electrical issue for air conditioners stems from the wiring in the system. Most systems are composed of intricate and abundant wires that are susceptible to corrosion, disconnection, fraying, and other damages. This can ultimately create issues with the flow of electricity throughout the system, negatively affecting its performance and operation. Finding the faulty wire can be difficult and dangerous. We suggest you hire a professional who’s trained to address this type of issue and can properly repair the wires without creating further damages.

    1. Capacitor Issues

You might have a bad capacitor. Here’s how to tell if capacitor is bad on ac unit:

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The average air conditioning system contains two fan motors and a compressor motor. Most systems operate on alternating current requiring the motors to have two capacitors. One capacitor, called the start capacitor, is responsible for starting up the motors. The other capacitor, called the run capacitor, is responsible for maintaining the flow of electricity throughout the motors. If you notice your system stutters when you start it up, or there’s an issue with the motors, there may be an issue with your capacitors. Faulty or bad capacitors can lead to total system breakdowns and should be addressed immediately by a professional.

Contact ACE Home Services for HVAC Repair & Air Conditioning Repair Services in Phoenix, Arizona

If your air conditioner is experiencing issues you believe to be related to an electrical problem, or if your HVAC system simply isn’t working as expected, please contact ACE Home Services for air conditioning repair services today at (602) 428-3341 to schedule a service call. ACE can repair all modern air conditioners and if the unit cannot be fixed, we can assist customers in how to buy a new A/C unit.

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What is the smell coming from my air conditioner?
How much does a typical A/C tune-up cost?

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