5 Reasons You Need An Annual Furnace Tune-Up

It may be true that you don’t need to have your furnace tuned up annually, but there are five very good reasons for doing so. You like saving money, complying with your furnace’s warranty, and not blowing up, right?

5 Convincing Reasons to Get that Furnace Inspection Once a Year

If you don’t have your home’s furnace inspected annually, we’re hoping these five reasons to do so will convince you.

1. Safety!


ACE Home Services - Reasons to Have Your Furnace Tuned Up Annually: Prevent Gas Leak

A furnace produces heat by burning fuel. Even a minor problem can result in a catastrophe like leaking gas. Your family’s safety is important!

2. Saves Money on Repairs


ACE Home Services - Reasons to Have Your Furnace Tuned Up Annually: Save Money

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Put another way: every dollar spent on maintenance can save you ten or twenty more. A winter furnace tune-up keeps it running efficiently. It also allows us to see if there any minor problems that could lead to serious issues (and money) later. We may not experience sub-zero temperatures in Phoenix, but it can still get uncomfortably cold!

3. Convenience


Furnace Tune up

Getting a tune-up before the winter cold approaches saves you time. You don’t want to wait until it’s 30 or 40 degrees to know that you have a furnace problem!

4. It’s Green


Heating Services

An efficiently running furnace uses less electricity, which is better for the environment (and your wallet). Cleaning and inspecting the furnace burner and heat exchanger ensures that your furnace is winter-ready.

5. Honors Manufacturer’s Warranty


ACE Home Services - preparing for winter

Most manufacturer’s warranties specify that your furnace needs to be regularly maintained in order for the warranty to be valid. Not getting an annual furnace tune-up could void the warranty! That could cost you a lot of money if you ever need to repair or replace your furnace.

See also  5 Ways Arizona Homeowners Cause Costly HVAC Breakdowns
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